3 mês atrás A junta de Mianmar supostamente realizou vários bombardeios em Thantlang em batalhas contra as forças de oposição do estado de Chin. A junta se voltou mais para ataques aéreos enquanto suas forças sobrecarregadas lutam por todo o país
Dois civis ficaram feridos e um mosteiro, uma clínica e uma escola foram danificados quando duas aeronaves da junta lançaram oito bombas na vila de Maung Htaung, no município de Budalin, na região de Sagaing, na quarta-feira.
1 mulher foi morta em um bombardeio aéreo do exército na cidade de Phapon
3 mês atrás Um ataque de drones à delegacia de polícia na cidade de Ye U matou 4 soldados do conselho militar e a delegacia foi destruída pelo fogo
Um ataque com mina a um carro que transportava soldados do conselho militar no município de Boi Kyung matou 3, incluindo 1 oficial militar
Myanmar: confrontos podem ser ouvidos na área de Chipwi, onde ainda ocorrem combates esporádicos entre a resistência KIA e as forças pró-junta
3 mês atrás Mianmar: os bombardeios da junta causaram destruição severa na cidade de Lashio (norte do estado de Shan), controlada pela resistência, lançados apesar do anúncio do MNDAA de cessar as hostilidades e aderir a um cessar-fogo mediado pela China
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 26 km SSW of Pakokku, Myanmar
13 soldados da junta mortos em emboscada da KNU/KNLA perto do município de Kyaikto, estado de Mon
4 mês atrás Mianmar: combatentes da resistência do PDF entraram em confronto com forças da junta na zona rural do município de Kanbalu, localizado no norte da região de Sagaing
4 mês atrás Myanmar: um protesto espontâneo anti-junta irrompeu nas ruas de Yangon hoje. Várias dezenas de manifestantes marcharam com tochas e bandeiras de resistência, pedindo a queda do governo. Esses ativistas estão correndo um risco ao marchar assim. Eles podem ser mortos
4 mês atrás Mianmar: Vários dos grupos étnicos mais poderosos do país assinaram uma declaração conjunta reafirmando seu compromisso com um estado de união federal democrático pós-junta
4 mês atrás Índia envia 53 toneladas de assistência de emergência para inundações no valor de US$ 1 milhão para a República Popular de Mianmar: Declaração
O número de mortos em Mianmar devido às inundações aumentou para pelo menos 113 na noite de sábado, informou o governo militar do país no domingo, após fortes chuvas causadas pelo tufão Yagi, que causou estragos em partes do sudeste da Ásia.
4 mês atrás Myanmar : PDF resistance forces have captured the town of Thabeikkyin and its nearby military camps. With this capture the resistance has fully seized the last remaining junta pocket, north of Mandalay
4 mês atrás Baguio Tumteng Township, 21 houses in the village The 3601 PPDF Battalion Information Officer told Yangon Modern Media that the military council soldiers were injured in an attack on an army column that burned and destroyed cars
PDF resistance forces have started to capture junta bases south of Mandalay. That means they're now expanding and holding ground on the central dry plains, between Mandalay and Naypyidaw
5 mês atrás PDF resistance forces have captured the town of Tabayin and it's surrounding countryside. Tabayin is the first town out on the Sagaing plains to be taken
5 mês atrás Maungdaw downtown — Rohingya area — has been burning since 7:30 PM local time. It has been under the full control of the Arakan Army (AA) since this morning. No Myanmar military forces have been present in the downtown area since last night
Shan State: Fighting continues in Nungcho Township and Thipaw Township, and the army has bombed 21 times from the air, TNLA said.
5 mês atrás Claims that Min Aung Hlaing, the leader of the coup government, has been forced to step down have circulated widely on social media in recent days
Myanmar's military on Wednesday said rumors top generals had detained the embattled junta chief in a new coup were "propaganda" spread by "traitors" ahead of a visit by China's foreign minister
5 mês atrás In the battle to seize Tagong city, 64 soldiers of the military council were killed, 20 were captured alive, and 83 different guns were seized.
Russian Defense Minister Andrei Belousov held talks with the defense ministers of Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, Mali and the Central African Republic. The delegations arrived in Moscow to participate in the Army-2024 forum
5 mês atrás PDF resistance forces have captured the town of Takaung, closing the pocket on the eastern bank of the Irrawaddy in northern Mandalay region. Takaung holds a historical significance as it is considered the birthplace of first Burmese kingdom
5 mês atrás In Maungdaw Township of Rakhine State, the Arakan Army (AA) has been targeting Rohingya civilians with drones and artillery. Yesterday (August 5th), in a single day, at least 200 Rohingya civilians, including women, children, and the elderly, were killed and many were injured. There are countless bodies
5 mês atrás Burmese resistance soldiers with the MNDAA are on the verge of fully capturing the North-Eastern Regional Military Command. This command has 30 battalions under it and is by far the biggest military unit to be fully defeated by rebels in the country's history
5 mês atrás During the fighting in Sangku Township, 29 soldiers and police, including Lt. Col. Aung Min, were killed and 100 soldiers surrendered. 73 weapons were confiscated
US Department of State: The Burma military government’s extension of the state of emergency is at odds with the aspirations of the people of Burma. The government must engage with all stakeholders to pursue a path toward a peaceful, representative, and democratic future for Burma
5 mês atrás Mandalay PDF released photos of Mokot city capture battle, Nung Cho, Participated in the battles for the capture of the city of Saak Koo and now Mokok