Myanmar: gevechten zijn te horen in het Chipwi-gebied, waar nog steeds sporadisch gevechten plaatsvinden tussen het KIA-verzet en pro-junta-troepen
3 maand geleden Myanmar: junta-bombardementen hebben ernstige verwoestingen aangericht in de door het verzet bezette stad Lashio (noordelijke Shan-staat), ondanks een aankondiging van de MNDAA om de vijandelijkheden te staken en zich te houden aan een door China bemiddeld staakt-het-vuren
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 26 km SSW of Pakokku, Myanmar
13 junta-soldaten gedood bij hinderlaag van KNU/KNLA nabij Kyaikto township, Mon State
4 maand geleden Myanmar: PDF verzetsstrijders botsten met junta-troepen op het platteland van de gemeente Kanbalu, gelegen in het noorden van de regio Sagaing
4 maand geleden Myanmar: vandaag brak er een spontaan anti-junta protest uit in de straten van Yangon. Enkele tientallen demonstranten marcheerden met fakkels en verzetsvlaggen, en riepen op tot de val van de regering. Deze activisten nemen een risico door op deze manier te marcheren. Ze zouden gedood kunnen worden.
4 maand geleden Myanmar: Verschillende van de machtigste etnische groepen van het land hebben een gezamenlijke verklaring ondertekend waarin ze hun toewijding aan een democratische federale uniestaat na de junta bevestigen
4 maand geleden India stuurt 53 ton noodhulp bij overstromingen ter waarde van 1 miljoen dollar naar de Volksrepubliek Myanmar: verklaring
Het dodental door overstromingen in Myanmar is zaterdagavond gestegen tot minstens 113, zo meldde de militaire regering van het land zondag. Dit na de zware regenval die door tyfoon Yagi is veroorzaakt en die in delen van Zuidoost-Azië voor grote verwoestingen heeft gezorgd.
4 maand geleden Myanmar : PDF resistance forces have captured the town of Thabeikkyin and its nearby military camps. With this capture the resistance has fully seized the last remaining junta pocket, north of Mandalay
4 maand geleden Baguio Tumteng Township, 21 houses in the village The 3601 PPDF Battalion Information Officer told Yangon Modern Media that the military council soldiers were injured in an attack on an army column that burned and destroyed cars
PDF resistance forces have started to capture junta bases south of Mandalay. That means they're now expanding and holding ground on the central dry plains, between Mandalay and Naypyidaw
5 maand geleden PDF resistance forces have captured the town of Tabayin and it's surrounding countryside. Tabayin is the first town out on the Sagaing plains to be taken
5 maand geleden Maungdaw downtown — Rohingya area — has been burning since 7:30 PM local time. It has been under the full control of the Arakan Army (AA) since this morning. No Myanmar military forces have been present in the downtown area since last night
Shan State: Fighting continues in Nungcho Township and Thipaw Township, and the army has bombed 21 times from the air, TNLA said.
5 maand geleden Claims that Min Aung Hlaing, the leader of the coup government, has been forced to step down have circulated widely on social media in recent days
Myanmar's military on Wednesday said rumors top generals had detained the embattled junta chief in a new coup were "propaganda" spread by "traitors" ahead of a visit by China's foreign minister
5 maand geleden In the battle to seize Tagong city, 64 soldiers of the military council were killed, 20 were captured alive, and 83 different guns were seized.
Russian Defense Minister Andrei Belousov held talks with the defense ministers of Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, Mali and the Central African Republic. The delegations arrived in Moscow to participate in the Army-2024 forum
5 maand geleden PDF resistance forces have captured the town of Takaung, closing the pocket on the eastern bank of the Irrawaddy in northern Mandalay region. Takaung holds a historical significance as it is considered the birthplace of first Burmese kingdom
5 maand geleden In Maungdaw Township of Rakhine State, the Arakan Army (AA) has been targeting Rohingya civilians with drones and artillery. Yesterday (August 5th), in a single day, at least 200 Rohingya civilians, including women, children, and the elderly, were killed and many were injured. There are countless bodies
5 maand geleden Burmese resistance soldiers with the MNDAA are on the verge of fully capturing the North-Eastern Regional Military Command. This command has 30 battalions under it and is by far the biggest military unit to be fully defeated by rebels in the country's history
5 maand geleden During the fighting in Sangku Township, 29 soldiers and police, including Lt. Col. Aung Min, were killed and 100 soldiers surrendered. 73 weapons were confiscated
US Department of State: The Burma military government’s extension of the state of emergency is at odds with the aspirations of the people of Burma. The government must engage with all stakeholders to pursue a path toward a peaceful, representative, and democratic future for Burma
5 maand geleden Mandalay PDF released photos of Mokot city capture battle, Nung Cho, Participated in the battles for the capture of the city of Saak Koo and now Mokok
5 maand geleden Myanmar Han Chinese rebels seized Russian and North Korean weapons at Myanmar Junta’s outpost. A Russian-made Orlan-10E reconnaissance UAVs and 122-mm rockets made by the DPRK, which became trophies of the rebels at one of the captured government army outposts in Shan State. Export version drones were purchased by Myanmar in 2021. Also, during the capture of the city of Sintgu, the first in the Mandalay region, in addition to weapons, control panels for UAVs and portable electronic warfare stations were captured.
After the TNLA took control of the entire Mokot township, the people welcomed the revolutionary forces in thousands
It's being reported that 300 Myanmar junta soldiers surrendered to the MNDAA in the city of Lashio today, as heavy fighting continues around the city in northern Shan state
6 maand geleden Arakan Army (AA) forces have captured a number of junta camps south of Maungdaw, further consolidating their control over the border with Bangladesh
6 maand geleden Geolocation of TNLA soldiers in downtown Kyaukme city, Burma after reportedly clearing all junta positions within the town.