6 July 2024
Myanmar: The Kalay PDF released footage of them shelling the Junta/Tatmadaw with a homemade mortar around Kalay, Sagaing. Event occurred on the 29th but only recently released. Some of the first video of homemade mortars in real action
2 year ago
Members of local defence forces say the rescue of detained civilians was an unexpected outcome after they ambush short-staffed police stations in Sagaing Region
2 year ago
A Myanmar junta court has hit ousted civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi with five new corruption charges related to the alleged hiring and purchase of a helicopter, sources close to the case told AFP
Residents of Dawei in Tanintharyi Region staged a silent strike against the military government on Friday night. (Photo: Dawei General Strike Committee)2 year ago
Residents of Dawei in Tanintharyi Region staged a silent strike against the military government on Friday night. (Photo: Dawei General Strike Committee)
On 9 January 2022 at 8:00am, two villagers from Peh Tha Raw Doo (Myoh Haung in Burmese) village, Kawtari Township, Dooplaya District, were wounded by Burma Army 120mm artillery2 year ago
On 9 January 2022 at 8:00am, two villagers from Peh Tha Raw Doo (Myoh Haung in Burmese) village, Kawtari Township, Dooplaya District, were wounded by Burma Army 120mm artillery
Four Myanmar security force officials killed in bomb attack in Sagaing's Monywa
Dozens of youth took to the streets of Yangon today to protest against Myanmar's military coup.
2 year ago
Myanmar's military must halt attacks on the town of Loikaw and lift a blockade on those trying to flee, a UN human rights investigator said on Monday, as a shaken resident described constant shelling and airstrikes in the area
2 year ago
A Myanmar junta court on Monday convicted Aung San Suu Kyi of three criminal charges, sentencing her to four years in prison in the latest in a slew of cases against the ousted civilian leader
Bangladesh: Fire reported in Rohingya refugee camp 16, Ukhiya Cox bazaar
Unarmed villagers accused as PDFs were tortured by Burmese militants led by min aung hliang2 year ago
Unarmed villagers accused as PDFs were tortured by Burmese militants led by min aung hliang
The Myaing Township Basic Education General Strike Committee and the people marched on January 7 with the slogan Get Out HunSen in support of the Terrorist Military Council. Photo - BEGSC-MYAING2 year ago
The Myaing Township Basic Education General Strike Committee and the people marched on January 7 with the slogan "Get Out HunSen" in support of the Terrorist Military Council. Photo - BEGSC-MYAING
Hundreds of civilians from Loikaw, the KayahState capital, were forced to flee fighting between junta troops and resistance groups on Friday. Many are still trapped by the clashes. (Photo: Kayan Region Leftist Youths)2 year ago
Hundreds of civilians from Loikaw, the KayahState capital, were forced to flee fighting between junta troops and resistance groups on Friday. Many are still trapped by the clashes. (Photo: Kayan Region Leftist Youths)
2 year ago
Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, arrived in Myanmar on a two-day visit on Friday despite a wave of condemnation that his visit undermines ASEAN and legitimizes Myanmar's deadly government
Myanmar junta helicopter gunships fire at villages in Sagaing's Wetlet Township
Myanmar: The Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) fought today a large battle against the Junta/Tatmadaw in Namhkam, Shan. Several Tatmadaw were killed and others wounded
Fightings broke out in Namhkan (Northern Shan State) between TNLA & MAG (Minaunghlaing Armed Group) & 6 civilians got injured & 2 in serious conditions including children. Urgent humanitarian aids needed
Junta troops bombarded GaHae village on Inndaw-Tigyaing border in Sagaing with a fighter jet at 12pm on Jan4. They dropped 8 bombs — KILLING Ma Khin Nyo,30, INJURING many others & setting FIRE to some homes. Locals have fled in fear of more AirStrikes.
The before & after footage of Thantlang shows the extent of devastation from the latest arson attacks by junta troops on January 3. Parts of the neighborhood that survived the first large-scale attacks on Sept 18 have been wiped out with over 40 houses & 2 churches burnt to ashes2 year ago
The before & after footage of Thantlang shows the extent of devastation from the latest arson attacks by junta troops on January 3. Parts of the neighborhood that survived the first large-scale attacks on Sept 18 have been wiped out with over 40 houses & 2 churches burnt to ashes
2 year ago
A man was killed when a bomb exploded in Mandalay rock circle. A truck carrying military council supplies was mined in Wetlet Township. Nineteen people, including the commander of the 1st Infantry Battalion under the 66th Division, were killed in a landmine attack.
A man was killed when a bomb exploded in Mandalay rock circle. A truck carrying military council supplies was mined in Wetlet Township. Nineteen people, including the commander of the 1st Infantry Battalion under the 66th Division, were killed in a landmine attack.
2 year ago
Locals fleeing fighting near Phalu village: "Freed from slavery, free from military slavery"
Locals fleeing fighting near Phalu village: Freed from slavery, free from military slavery
The Myaing Township Basic Education General Strike Committee and the people staged a protest march on January 2 today. Photo - BEGSC-MYAING2 year ago
The Myaing Township Basic Education General Strike Committee and the people staged a protest march on January 2 today. Photo - BEGSC-MYAING
Mandalay Sangha Union boycott led by monks on January 2
Military response to media reports that it killed 35 unarmed civilians and burned them in their vehicles in Hpruso, Karenni State, Myanmar on Dec 242 year ago
Military response to media reports that it killed 35 unarmed civilians and burned them in their vehicles in Hpruso, Karenni State, Myanmar on Dec 24
More than 35 people have been charged by the military in firing on Loikaw airport2 year ago
More than 35 people have been charged by the military in firing on Loikaw airport
New Year's Day bombings in Tangse and Yae Oo January 1
2 year ago
Around 30 members of the Karenni National Liberation Army (KNLA) clashed with the Karenni Army near the Myoma Police Station and Ngwe Taung Dam. Three soldiers were killed in the battle of Phruso. January 1
Around 30 members of the Karenni National Liberation Army (KNLA) clashed with the Karenni Army near the Myoma Police Station and Ngwe Taung Dam. Three soldiers were killed in the battle of Phruso. January 1
7 Junta soldiers were captured by KNLA in Lay Kay Kyaw, Myawaddy, Kayin State.  Also several MA-3 carbines, MAS-1 DMR, MA-4 rifle with BA203 UBGL along with HEDP-SP M99 pattern grenades and 60mm mortar (MA-9) along with HE mortar shells2 year ago
7 Junta soldiers were captured by KNLA in Lay Kay Kyaw, Myawaddy, Kayin State. Also several MA-3 carbines, MAS-1 DMR, MA-4 rifle with BA203 UBGL along with HEDP-SP M99 pattern grenades and 60mm mortar (MA-9) along with HE mortar shells
On 84th Street in Mandalay, a group of Mandalay protesters led a protest march against the Terrorist Military Council to crush Fascism before the new year.2 year ago
On 84th Street in Mandalay, a group of Mandalay protesters led a protest march against the Terrorist Military Council to "crush Fascism before the new year."
2 year ago
Germany strongly condemns recent attacks on civilians and humanitarian workers in Myanmar. EU ready to impose further sanctions & calls for global arms embargo. We echo the UN Security Council call for immediate end of violence, accountability & return to democratic transition