23 Люты 2025
The United States officially declared on Monday that violence against the Rohingya committed by Myanmar's military in 2016 and 2017 amounted to 'genocide', saying there was clear evidence of an attempt to 'destroy' the Muslim minority
"Compelling evidence" that members of the Burmese military committed crimes against humanity in targeting the Rohingya, adds @SecBlinken
Я вызначыў, што члены бірманскіх вайскоўцаў здзейснілі генацыд супраць рахінджа, паведамляе @SecBlinken
On Monday,@SecBlinken is to tour @HolocaustMuseum exhibit "Burma's Path to Genocide" and deliver remarks regarding Myanmar
In joint statement, Japan PM @kishida230 & Cambodia PM HunSen called for stop to the flow of weapon to Myanmar & stressed need for immediate stop to violence during militarycoup. Want to see concrete actions to implement ASEAN 5-point consensus2 рок таму
In joint statement, Japan PM @kishida230 & Cambodia PM HunSen called for "stop to the flow of weapon" to Myanmar & stressed need for immediate stop to violence during militarycoup. Want to see "concrete actions" to implement ASEAN 5-point consensus
Myanmar military approves sale of @Telenor_mm to Lebanese M1 group & Myanmar partner, Shwe Byain Phyu, who'll end up being the majority shareholder. Many fear this will compromise over 18 million Myanmar customers' personal data2 рок таму
Myanmar military approves sale of @Telenor_mm to Lebanese M1 group & Myanmar partner, Shwe Byain Phyu, who'll end up being the majority shareholder. Many fear this will compromise over 18 million Myanmar customers' personal data
Пратэстоўцы на Каўказе і ў Янгоне выказваюць падтрымку ўкраінцам, трымаючы ў руках плакаты з вайсковымі злачынцамі Мін Аунг Глін і Пуціным.2 рок таму
Пратэстоўцы на Каўказе і ў Янгоне выказваюць падтрымку ўкраінцам, трымаючы ў руках плакаты з вайсковымі злачынцамі Мін Аунг Глін і Пуціным.
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Anti-junta defence forces ambush military columns on land and water in northern Sagaing, and further south, a junta unit reduces a village to ashes
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Mandalay Chan Mya Thar Si Township Two people were killed in a bomb blast near the Yangon-Mandalay bike path and Science Road on March 14 at around 6 pm.
Mandalay Chan Mya Thar Si Township Two people were killed in a bomb blast near the Yangon-Mandalay bike path and Science Road on March 14 at around 6 pm.
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A military convoy was attacked by a landmine on the Rangoon-Mandalay road, killing and wounding soldiers. March 14
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The Taw village in Yesagyo Tsp, Magwe Region. Villagers fled, but elderly people & the people in poor health were being burned to death. And houses were set on fire. Exact causalities later, @Khithitofficial reports
An evening of anti-regime protests in a village in Yinmarpin, Rangoon. March 12: In a village in Yinmarpin, a mass demonstration against the dictatorship takes place on March 12.2 рок таму
An evening of anti-regime protests in a village in Yinmarpin, Rangoon. March 12: In a village in Yinmarpin, a mass demonstration against the dictatorship takes place on March 12.
15 junta soldiers killed during two days of fighting in Sagaing's Saw Township2 рок таму
15 junta soldiers killed during two days of fighting in Sagaing's Saw Township
12 villagers, including a five-year-old and his 90-year-old grandparents, were killed by junta artillery fire before their bodies were then set on fire by soldiers in Letpadaw Village in Sagaing Region's Yinmarpin Township on 8 March, according to the local defense force2 рок таму
12 villagers, including a five-year-old and his 90-year-old grandparents, were killed by junta artillery fire before their bodies were then set on fire by soldiers in Letpadaw Village in Sagaing Region's Yinmarpin Township on 8 March, according to the local defense force
At least four buildings including a church and a convent in Dawh Ngan Khar Village in Kayah State's Demoso Township were damaged when two junta fighter jets bombed the village on Thursday, according to a local resistance group.2 рок таму
At least four buildings including a church and a convent in Dawh Ngan Khar Village in Kayah State's Demoso Township were damaged when two junta fighter jets bombed the village on Thursday, according to a local resistance group.
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Myanmar government Intensifies Battle for Control of Southern Chin State Myanmar junta forces are stepping up their attempts to take control of Kanpetlet Township in Chin State, where 95 per cent of the territory is controlled by local resistance groups
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VIDEO - In Kale, Sagaing, locals came out today to protest against Myanmar's military junta for 389th day and to mark one-year anniversary of death of Zin Myo Maung, 18, who died when soldiers cracked down on protesters.
VIDEO - In Kale, Sagaing, locals came out today to protest against Myanmar's military junta for 389th day and to mark one-year anniversary of death of Zin Myo Maung, 18, who died when soldiers cracked down on protesters.
The monks of the Mandalay Sangha Union protest against army today2 рок таму
The monks of the Mandalay Sangha Union protest against army today
ASEAN stops short of saying it condemns Russia attack on Ukraine, choosing instead to say it's deeply concerned & there's still room for a peaceful dialogue. Interesting Russianot identified at all in statement. Myanmar, an ASEAN member, had supported Russia's actions2 рок таму
ASEAN stops short of saying it condemns Russia attack on Ukraine, choosing instead to say it's "deeply concerned" & there's "still room for a peaceful dialogue". Interesting Russianot identified at all in statement. Myanmar, an ASEAN member, had supported Russia's actions
19 February 2022:  FBR medic, Joseph, treats wounded while under attack by Burma Army at Wi Thea Ku, Loikaw, Karenni State, Burma. FBR3 рок таму
19 February 2022: FBR medic, Joseph, treats wounded while under attack by Burma Army at Wi Thea Ku, Loikaw, Karenni State, Burma. FBR
The @RapporteurUn identified China, Russia and Serbia as Member States who have, since the coup, been supplying the junta with weapons of the sort that are being used to attack civilians.3 рок таму
The @RapporteurUn identified China, Russia and Serbia as Member States who have, since the coup, been supplying the junta with weapons of the sort that are being used to attack civilians.
Fighting intensified in Kayah State's Demoso on Wednesday, after at least 10 junta forces were killed in fighting with the Demoso PDF on Tuesday, the group said. In Loikaw, a man in his 70s was killed by junta shrapnel on Wednesday, Loikaw PDF said.3 рок таму
Fighting intensified in Kayah State's Demoso on Wednesday, after at least 10 junta forces were killed in fighting with the Demoso PDF on Tuesday, the group said. In Loikaw, a man in his 70s was killed by junta shrapnel on Wednesday, Loikaw PDF said.
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Plainclothes junta troops 'tricked' resistance fighters into thinking they were civilians before opening fire on them in an open field in Khin-U Township, killing 14 members
Junta troops torched houses in Chaung-U Village in Sagaing Region's Pale Township on Friday morning. Hundreds of homes are believed to have gone up in flames. (Photo: CJ)3 рок таму
Junta troops torched houses in Chaung-U Village in Sagaing Region's Pale Township on Friday morning. Hundreds of homes are believed to have gone up in flames. (Photo: CJ)
Bombs explode near Rangoon's Mingaladon 82 Battalion and Thaketa A bomb exploded near the residence of Mandalay City Development Officer in Rangoon. February 173 рок таму
Bombs explode near Rangoon's Mingaladon 82 Battalion and Thaketa A bomb exploded near the residence of Mandalay City Development Officer in Rangoon. February 17
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20 junta forces allegedly killed in attack on police station in Magway's Gangaw Township
Myanmar: The Dawei PDF attacked a car of the Junta/Tatmadaw in Nabule, Tanintharyi region after the junta forces extorted fishermen for money. Two M16A1s and two Type 56 AKs were seized after the attack3 рок таму
Myanmar: The Dawei PDF attacked a car of the Junta/Tatmadaw in Nabule, Tanintharyi region after the junta forces extorted fishermen for money. Two M16A1s and two Type 56 AKs were seized after the attack
Myanmar: The Yinmarbin PDF released video from drone attacks on the Yinmarbin police station, Sagaing. The Yinmarbin PDF and allies are increasing their activities against the Junta now3 рок таму
Myanmar: The Yinmarbin PDF released video from drone attacks on the Yinmarbin police station, Sagaing. The Yinmarbin PDF and allies are increasing their activities against the Junta now
М'янма: Сілы народнай абароны Чаунг У (PDF) стварылі карабін з штурвалам, які яны называюць карабінам Чаунг У. На працягу некалькіх месяцаў падраздзяленні PDF працавалі над стварэннем і ўдасканаленнем агнястрэльнай зброі, вырабленай у рамёствах. Што адбываецца ў М'янме, 12 лютага 2022 года3 рок таму
М'янма: Сілы народнай абароны Чаунг У (PDF) стварылі карабін з штурвалам, які яны называюць карабінам Чаунг У. На працягу некалькіх месяцаў падраздзяленні PDF працавалі над стварэннем і ўдасканаленнем агнястрэльнай зброі, вырабленай у рамёствах. Што адбываецца ў М'янме, 12 лютага 2022 года
Myanmar: PDF units in Shwebo, Sagaing released footage of drone strikes against Junta/Tatmadaw forces on the 8th. Resistance groups in Myanmar continue to expand their drone arsenals to fight the Junta. WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar  2022Feb12Coup3 рок таму
Myanmar: PDF units in Shwebo, Sagaing released footage of drone strikes against Junta/Tatmadaw forces on the 8th. Resistance groups in Myanmar continue to expand their drone arsenals to fight the Junta. WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar 2022Feb12Coup